Welcome to Global Village


Global Village is a nonprofit Fair Trade organization dedicated to the support of the world’s low income artisans and farmers through the operation of a Fair Trade retail store and educational activities that promote the values of Fair Trade, tolerance, and cultural appreciation.

We have been in the Billings community for over 30 years, supporting artisans and farmers from developing parts of the world. We have products from over 30 countries – from Afghanistan to Zambia. These products are typically made from recycled or up-cycled items. Many are made by survivors of human trafficking and are learning skills to provide for themselves.

When men and women can provide for their families, their children can go to school which means the future of their families and communities will be forever changed by the opportunity to have children receive an education.

“Educate a boy and you educate an individual. Educate a girl and you educate a community.” ~ African Proverb



Stay in Touch

Send us your email if you would like updates on events, discounts, and new merchandise.  Also, please friend us on Facebook.